FAQ – Hybrid Energy

Frequently asked questions

What’s the typical application of a Hybrid Heat Pump?

A Hybrid Heat Pump works like a regular heat pump. It can be used in a wide range of industries, for example dairies, abattoirs, process industries, fish feed, biogas production, breweries and textile industries.

How reliable is a Hybrid Heat Pump?

The first Hybrid Heat Pump was commissioned in 2004. Since then, Hybrid Heat Pumps have over 500.000 hours of sound operation, with exceptional COPs and very high uptime.

What are the right conditions for a Hybrid Heat Pump?

The COP of a Hybrid Heat Pump, like all other heat pumps, benefits from a small temperature lift. However, a Hybrid Heat Pump differs from a standard ammonia heat pump in that its COP also benefits from large Δt’s, both on hot and cold side.

What is the highest output temperature of a Hybrid Heat Pump?

We can adjust the concentration of water and ammonia, and in theory we could use a solution with very little ammonia that condenses above 200C at 20 bar. However, there are practical considerations, and for the time being we guarantee delivery of 120C.

Will the use of water as a refrigerant lead to corrosion?

No. The working circuit is both oxygen free and pressurized, and we have never experienced corroision issues in a Hybrid Heat Pump.

Will the water in the working medium freeze in the expansion valve?

No. Water and ammonia mixture is actually used as an anti-freeze.